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June 11, 2018

June 12, 2018-Weight 172

OHHH so frustrating. I have strayed from my diet. Yes, jumped off the wagon and into a Dunkin Donuts Mocha Frapp Iced and LARGE. So much caffeine and sugar. Why? I was hot, thirsty and hungry. It was around 1:30pm and I had just got off the pickleball court, and the facility had no air conditioning that I could tell. So hot! And I had not eaten yet nor had remembered to bring a bottle of water with me. Totally unprepared. Grounds for failure. But my mind was justifying the entire purchase. You deserve it! Come one, one frappuccino isn’t going to hurt.

Yes it did. Proof was on the scale the next day. Ugh! But I didn’t just cheat with the one frappuccino. That was my gateway food. Then I proceeded to eat badly the next couple of days culminating into some sugary-Chinese chicken dish. I screamed at the scale today. I even got off and said to the scale, “Okay, I’ll give you another chance.” Same number.

Planning is everything. So, I ran to the grocery store with Keto Diet on the mind. That has been the most successful so far. I lost weight rapidly in the first 2 months but then I stalled. I’ve been in a stall since November. To recap, I lost pounds in the first 2 months then nothing, I was exercising the same and eating the same. What was up?

I researched. I found blogs that said that if you are not losing weight on the Keto Diet…hit a plateau, that you have to scale down your calories. I was led to believe that all you had to do was eat high protein and low carbs. Nope. Works for a while but then you hit the wall. That’s where I am. Hello wall.

At the store today I bought the following: (If you don’t prepare, prepare to fail)

Losing my belly blog 6/12/2018